Electrical Wiring & Rewiring in Miami & Hialeah, FL

wall with cutout for wiring servicesWhen you need electrical work in your home or business, you need it done right the first time. For same-day electrical wiring & rewiring in Miami, FL, contact the pros at Phixser Solutions Inc. We strive to ensure every job is completed with safety and integrity in mind — we never cut any corners.

We’re proud of our work, and our customers love us, too. Just check out our reviews.

Never compromise safety — contact the pros for all electrical wiring projects. Call Phixser Solutions Inc. today at (305) 850-7671.

Electrical Wiring Installation

Working with electrical systems can be dangerous, and accidents can occur if work isn’t done properly. That’s why we’re the best choice for electrical wiring installation. Whether you need new outlets or your entire home or business rewired, Phixser Solutions Inc. can handle the job. Our electrical wiring services are perfect for renovations, new construction, or a new electrical arrangement. We perform every job with precision and care.

 4 Signs You Need To Update Your Old Wiring

Old wiring can be dangerous, and updating your wiring to prevent fires and electrical shorts is essential. Some signs you need updated wiring include:

  • Flickering or dimming lights: If you have lights that flicker or dim, it could be a sign of loose wiring, overloaded circuits, or other issues. Noticeable when using certain appliances.
  • Burning smell: If you smell burning, even faint burning, it could be a sign of overheating wires. Turn the power off immediately and call the pros.
  • Buzzing or sizzling sounds: If you hear buzzing, sizzling, or crackling coming from outlets, switches, or electrical panels, then it could indicate old or loose wiring.
  • Sparks or electrical arcs: If you see sparks when you plug in or unplug a device, you need to update your wiring. It could be faulty.

Call Phixser Solutions Inc. at (305) 850-7671 to schedule rewiring services in Palm Beach County.

Why Choose Us?

Experience the difference with Phixser Solutions Inc. We can handle all your electrical needs in the Miami and Hialeah areas. You’ll always receive upfront pricing, and we offer specials and flexible financing to help with more extensive electrical projects. For peace of mind, choose Phixser Solutions Inc.

Trust in Phixser Solutions Inc. for all your electrical service needs. Call (305) 850-7671 to request service in Broward County.


How long does it take to rewire a whole house?

Most whole-home rewiring projects can take between three to 10 days. This time frame heavily depends on the home’s size and age. If your home is over 40 years old, you should expect at least a seven-day turnaround time for a complete rewire.

Is rewiring a home messy?

Rewiring a home can be a messy job. Most rewires produce a lot of dust, mess, and replastering work. While some jobs may be fixable with less invasive means, you should always have an electrical survey completed to know the full extent of what your home needs. If you have major signs of faulty wiring, you need a whole-home rewire.

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Proudly Serving The Southeast Florida Area

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